Thursday 13 November 2014

Computer Basics Introduction

On this page we will be taking about everything to do with the basic of the computer from the hardware to the software including all the bit and bobs attached to it.  It can be really hard to get you head round it when it’s your first time using it so there will be plenty of definitions to help you understand it a bit more. As new one come up they will be in italics.

The best place to start I think for you under stand the difference between hardware and software:

The hardware of your computer is the physical machinery ie the bits you can touch — the monitor, the keyboard, the mouse etc.

The software is what makes your computer perform tasks. for example, Microsoft Word is a software program (list of instructions) that allows you to create documents, usually for printing.

Software programs a kept on what is called a hard disk (the permanent disk that is part of you computer), and copied into memory (storage area for files and programs while they are getting processed) when required. The best way to remember it is to think of a filling cabinet (hard disk) and your desk (memory), your programs are in the filling cabinet until you need them. In the same way you keep your files. Then when you need them they are moved to your desk so they can be worked on. The same way you have files and folder on your desk. Then when you’re finished with them you save them and they go back to the filling cabinet.

Another thing you need to know before we move on is that the word of computer is referred to as information technology (IT for short) or information communication technology (ICT for short) but the most common way is IT that’s why business call their computer department the IT department.

If you can get your head around this then you should be fine as we go through the basics of computers.

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